Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 10. The silly helmut day.

1 I decided to stay home with Lynne instead of skiing today;  she is feeling better but still not well enough to ski.  We had a lot of fun in Breckenridge,  shopping, drinking coffee and eating pastries.

Turns out, next week is the annual "Ullr Festival",  when the town celebrates the Nordic God of Snow with wacked out events every day.  Doing my part, I bought a nice Ullr Helmut so I would blend in.

So,  we walked around town,  me in my Ullr regalia and a big silly smile.  A local constable passed us on the street, pointed at me,  and told Lynne, "I'm sorry, Ma'am,  we enforce a leash law in this town!"
The funny thing was,  every girl I passed on the street or met in a shop would smile, giggle, and start up a conversation.  It was like having a puppy!  "What a great way to meet girls!",  I thought!  oops.  I'm married!  Well,   all you single guys out there: Don't Laugh.  Go get a silly headdress and have some fun!   I plan to ski in the helmut, at least on Sunday,  so stay tuned for some more silly pictures.  (editors note:  I never got up the courage to ski in the helmut, but there is always next year!!!)

The festival runs from Sunday through Friday, with a big parade down mainstreet on Thursday evening.  The shop keeper where I bought my helmut-come-girl-catcher invited us to ride on her float in the parade!  (ok, you gotta admit, Lynne looks pretty hot in a viking helmut!)

High Five, Dawg!!

Lynne was still too sick to ski,  but she must be feeling better,  Check this Warrior 2 yoga asana,  where she effortlessly balanced a small man on her arm.  Looks like she is ready to start skiing to me!

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