Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 27: Cold Days. Warm nights.

Ok, so the weatherman was feeling optimistic again; it was freezing cold and windy as all hell,  although the sun did shine for most of the morning.  The entire mountain was shut down for several hours this morning;  too much wind to run the lifts.  Lots of avalanche prevention mortars filling the morning air.  Ah! Winter in Colorado!

But we got in some good runs, nonetheless.  After lunch, we rode up a lift with Leslie Stafford from LA;  she manages the Breck Ski School.  First, she explained that the $220, 4 person max, "lesson" they advertise is really a license to learn;  all year long!  Not a half day, not a full day.  No!  Unlimited Ski lessons, all season.   Then she explained that the $119 Adventure package is really a full day semi-private lesson slash mountain discovery adventure.   So basically,  you get a $650 full day private lesson for $119, shared with a friend (or spouse! ;-) )  These guys need to hire someone to fix their ads!  We've been here for >3 weeks, seeing their advertising every day, and never understood the offers!    A cardinal sin for us marketing guys!  While it normally requires 48 hours to make a reservation, Leslie made a call and got us in;  most likely it will just be the two of us (Phil and Kay leave for Austin tomorrow).  

Tonight, we all went out to a nice dinner at the Blue River Bistro.  Laid back, Casual,  gourmet food.  During a night like this with friends like Phil and Kay, you realize something important.  It doesn't matter how many runs you make.  You will never remember how many vertical feet you skied (although "There IS an App for That".) or how well you navigated the moguls.   No, you will remember the moments with family, or with friends, when it all just feels RIGHT.  Intimate. Real. Meaningful. Funny. Touching.  Moments that last forever,  even though they take only a few minutes.  Precious minutes.  Thanks, Phil and Kay, for coming to share the moment.

Till tomorrow.   Only 6 more days till we leave for Austin.  All good things.......

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