Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 13. Reality Bites, but I love it.

Today's goal:  survive re-entry into the real world.  Don't smirk;  act normal,  like nothing has changed.  Don't make everyone else feel bad that they have had to work normal hours and stay on conference calls all day long while keeping up with email while "Same-Time" instant messaging,  all in the name of getting our stock price up.

4:30AM: wake up (sort of)
5:00AM: leave for DIA
6:45AM: Arrive DIA,  security is a breeze
8:20AM: Leave on United. They missed me so much,  they gave me the middle seat in the last row.
8:21AM:  confirmed that the last row doesn't recline, but the next to last row reclines just fine. Gonna be a Great Day!
2:20PM (EST): arrive in LaGuardia.  Unsuccessfully resist temptation to eat a Annie's Pretzel Dog for lunch
4:30PM: arrive in Poughkeepsie.  Attend pre-event meeting
6:00PM:  Cocktails and Dinner with ~100 sales leaders from around the world. A great bunch of people,  lots of good conversations.  Less than 10%  of which were about Tiger Woods.
8:45PM: Get Text Message from Lynne:  She was able to go skiing!  Wahoo!!
9:00PM: Have drinks with team.  Be reminded how much I care (not that I had forgotten, just good to be together!)
10:50PM: Bore you all with a blog of a normal day in the life of an IBMer,

Good Night!


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