Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 5. Ahhh! Finally!! Wallowing in Snow!!!

Woke up to 5" of the fresh stuff.  Lynne is still really sick, so no skiing for her.  I have been trying to ensure she has tea, meds, and rest,  while crossing my fingers, toes, and Zinc + EmergenC trying to ward off the bug that has gotten her down.   So, far,  so good.  But I really feel blady for her!  She's keeping her spirits up and should be near the end of the virus' course.  And we get a laugh every few hours as we let little Zoro out to do his business.   Imagine 9" dog trying to find a place to go in 2+ feet of snow!  And he LOVES it!
I went out on the cross country tracks for a 3 hour "lang laufen".   (literally,  German for "long walking"). The ski center here is very nice;  well groomed and marked trails,  and a comfortable Ski lodge (aka, golf club).  (did I mention 5" of fresh powder?)  For $110,  you get 10 days of cross country passes,  good for here, Frisco, and Breckendridge nordic centers.  I met a couple working there at the center who are probably pretty typical of the older locals.  Our age, roughly, and full of love for the high country. They moved here from Ohio 4 years ago, bought a house, and now just enjoy living the dream and working in the Ski center.

I was totally energized by the skiing,  and came back to pound down some fluff into a packed area in the back yard where Zorro can at least have a fighting chance of finding a place to "go" without being buried well beyond the business-end of the process.  He appreciated the effort, and ran back and forth a half dozen times across the packed snow. He really likes it here!!!

After a rest and a hot tub,  we headed into town and did some shopping;  I spent 1.5 hours getting fitted with new ski boots; the winner was a pair of Atomic Hawx 120 ski boots that feel great and are made for aggressive skiing.  (My old boots were 15 years old and were a floppy mess.)   The runner-up was a nice pair of very high-end Technica's, but the orange color was a show stopper for an Aggie like me!  (although, I will cheer for the Longhorns for the BCS championship!)    Will hit the slopes in the AM with a pair of demo Blizzard ski's to let these new puppies run!  Hopefully, they will fly like Zorro across  the snow (ie. stay on TOP of the snow!)

Till tomorrow!


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