Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 32: The Last Run; and the Snow Sculpture Festival

Today was our last day in Breckenridge. And what a month it has been!!! (Never have I typed so many exclamation marks, day in, and day out.  I hope you'll excuse me.)  It flew by so fast, but it also feels like we've been here for a long while. At least I can look through 32 days of blogs, and relive my month and see it all again in slow-mo.
We started out skiing together with Kristin, who arrived last night.  We were thrilled to enjoy another sunny day on the mountain, while constantly aware of the poignancy of the moment, saying goodbye to our favorite trails, lift operators, peaks, and views.  "Emotional" doesn't come close to capturing the essence of our feelings;  a mixture of awe, gratitude, respect, contentment, happiness, and, finally, regret for having to leave this wonderful place that has carved out a very special place in our hearts and our lives.   (ok, I will stop here before I start to cry.....)

After a late morning break (aka "Second Breakfast" according to the Hobbit tradition),  we split up.

"Do NOT kill yourself in the back bowls,  or you will be in SO much trouble!"

It was finally time for me to experience the Whale Tale;  a massive and steep bowl of scary proportions.  From the top of Peak 8,  I traversed north along the ridge at 12,900 feet,  finally dropping down to the steep and deep.  It was a milestone for me, and for the guys I hooked up with along the way,  all of us in total awe of the scenery and the skiing terrain.  After dropping a thousand feet,  I had to pick my way through some rock outcroppings and find the next leg of the descent;  now big, soft, fluffy bumps, and still quite steep. But the soft snow forgave my many mistakes, and I skied down to the treeline to find my way back to the T-Bar and the Imperial Lift to do it all over again, smiling and feeling so alive!

After a huge lunch,  we all skied together again, challenging the meadows and chutes that, only a few weeks ago, Lynne and Kristin had thought were well above their skill levels.  They both did great, sking/riding terrain they had rarely attempted before, and both rising to the occasion! (There go those exclamation points again.  Sorry.)

On the last run,  I was crying and smiling at the same time, all the way down.  Life is so, so, good.

Buit Wait! THERE'S MORE!

After we finally agreed to quit, we went to walk through the International Snow Sculpture Competition.  The detail and artistry was amazing;  I wore my Ullr helmut and unintentionally became part of the spectacle!

Here's a few of the many amazing snow sculptures on display.

Needless to say,  this was a fitting end to a month of wonderful experiences.   Also, as you probably suspect, I am starting to work through the calculus: what would it take to be able to live here, and still be able to live in Austin, while enjoying a "real job" that can support all this fun?  

Tomorrow, as we begin our drive home, I will reflect on the fundamental question with which I started this blog a month ago:  Can you live out your fantasy?   (I promise to keep it clean!)  Will it fulfill your dreams?   Or is it out out of reach?  Can you do it and still perform your job??? 

Stay tuned for the very last blog entry of a Month in the Summit!  (oh, I can hardly wait to see what I have to say!)  


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